1,000 Books Before Kindergarten



How does it work? ¿Cómo funciona?

  1. Visit any branch of Cecil County Public Library to register and receive a booklet to log your child's reading.

    Visite cualquier biblioteca del condado de Cecil para registrarse, y recibirá un folleto para llevar un registro de su lectura.
  2. Sign up for a 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten library card and check out up to 20 children's materials, fine-free.

    Regístrese para obtener una tarjeta de biblioteca de 1000 Libros Antes del Kínder y saque materiales, ¡sin multa!
  3. Visit the library after every 100 books read to receive a special sticker for your child's log and other milestone incentives.

    Visite la biblioteca después de leer cada 100 libros para recibir una pegatina para el folleto de su hijo y otros incentivos.
Library Card graphic with Humpty Dumpty, Little Red Riding Hood, Mary's Little Lamb holding a sign that reads, "1000 Books Before Kindergarten"



1,000 Books Before Kindergarten Wall of Fame

1,000 Book Before Kindergarten
1,000 Book Before Kindergarten
A young girl holding her 1,000 books before kindergarten tote bag
1,000 Book Before Kindergarten
1,000 Book Before Kindergarten
A young boy holding his 1,000 books before kindergarten tote bag
1,000 Book Before Kindergarten
1,000 Book Before Kindergarten
A young girl holding her program pamphlet and wearing a 1,000 books before kindergarten shirt
A young girl, pictured with her mother, holding her program completion certificate
A young girl holding her program completion certificate
Two young girl holding their program completion certificates

In partnership with Cecil County Public Schools and the Cecil County Early Childhood Advisory Council.