Winter Reading

Adult Winter Reading 2024, December 16 - February 28

Fill in the circle for each challenge you complete.

For each challenge completed, earn a raffle ticket to win a Book Lovers Basket.

Complete 2 challenges to earn a special Winter Reading prize.

Complete 3 challenges to earn a chance to win 2 tickets to the Friends Foundation’s Books, Bourbon, & BBQ event on Saturday, May 3, 2025.

Submit your raffle entry for each completed challenge at any branch of the Cecil County Public Library.

Recommend your reads and listens!


Winter Reading Challenges

Check out the Winter Reading Recommendations below or the CCPL Readers Group on Facebook for reading recommendations for each challenge. 

  •  1. Arctic Hare
    Chill with the story of a character who can blend in with their surroundings and is not what they seem.
  •  2. Caribou
    Take a journey with a character who migrates to a new area.
  •  3. Polar Bear
    Cozy up to a story that explores the depth of familial love.
  •  4. Puffin
    Frolic through a whimsical, playful book.
  •  5. Moose
    Brace for impact with characters who come head-to-head in a story of competition.
  •  6. Snowy Owl
    Soar through a book about someone who sees things from a different perspective.
  •  7. Sea Lion
    Wade into a book recommended by fellow readers in your "colony."
  •  8. Mountain Goat
    Scale the pages of an adventure.
  •  9. Bonus: Mammoth
    Read a book where a character overcomes a Mammoth problem.
  •  10. Bonus: Narwhal
    Join your "pod" and attend a library program.