Rachel Wright
Executive Director
(410) 996-1055 x1138
Adele Cruise
Operations Director
(410) 996-1055 x1104
For media and Foundation questions
Frazier Walker
Communications and Development Manager
(410) 996-1055 x1129
For employment questions
Amber Schooley
Human Resources Manager
(410) 996-1055 x1132
For all other questions
Frazier Walker
Communications and Development Manager
(410) 996-1055 x1129
Contact your Library
Our Locations pages have the phone numbers, addresses, hours, and contact information for all of our libraries. You can also submit questions using the form below.
Ask a Librarian
Our staff can answer questions about your account, general information, reading recommendations, and technology assistance. Call your local branch, stop by, or email us at ask@cecilcountylibrary.org.